Calgary Sports Injuries Clinic

Sports injuries are common among athletes and players who indulge in strenuous exercises and rigorous training sessions every day. Whether you’re a professional athlete in Calgary or just play football for recreational purposes, sports injuries can hinder your mobility to a great extent. From hairline fractures and poor postures to ruptured tendons and dislocations, sports injuries need to be treated with the utmost care to help patients regain their full range of motion. However, even though the occurrence of sports injuries is common, misdiagnosis of these injuries due to lack of expertise or experience is prevalent.

At Divergent Healthcare, our professional medical experts have undergone medical training and have years of experience to help patients receive the best treatment possible for their sports injuries. Our Calgary health centre prioritizes the health and safety of our patients and hence, conduct a thorough diagnosis of an injury before laying out a customized treatment plan for an effective recovery.

The multidisciplinary expertise of our in-house doctors, physical therapists, and medical practitioners, combined with our dedication to our patients allows us to deal with each injury in an efficient manner at the pain relief clinic in Calgary. We involve the patients in their treatment process at every step of the way by highlighting the advantages as well as shortcomings of each treatment option for them. This is done to ensure that each visitor returns only when they’re fully satisfied with our services.

Owing to years of training and hands-on experience, the practitioners and doctors at Divergent Healthcare outline a treatment plan to help you quickly restore functionality in your muscles and reduce inflammation. We also educate you about the causes of your injury and preventive measures you can take to avoid them in the future.

Sports injuries that we treat include:

Calgary Sport Medicine Clinic

Call 587-325-0253 and discover how our Calgary clinical team can treat your sports injuries. Improve your body’s functionality so you can get back to playing your favorite sport!